🎲How-To Guide: Playing DICE Bot Game on Telegram


Welcome to the DICE Bot Game on Telegram! This guide will walk you through the entire process of playing the game, from connecting your wallet to rolling the dice and claiming your winnings. Let's get started!

Table of Contents

1. Connecting Your Wallet

Before you can play, you'll need to connect your wallet to the DICE Token contract. Message Dicebot to get started! https://t.me/dice_mainnet_bot

  1. Press Start to begin

  2. Click on 'Connect Wallet' or type /connect_wallet in the chat. Your Secret Code will be automatically generated

  3. Visit the Dicebot website to input your secret code. Look for the box labeled "Enter Secret Code."

  4. Paste your secret code into the box and click "Connect/Approve." Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  5. After the transaction is confirmed, copy the transaction hash that appears on the Dicebot website.

  6. Return to this bot and reply using /verify {SECRET_KEY} {TX_HASH}. 📝 Example: /verify 703300765 0x373c...048d

  7. Once verified, you can go back to the Dicebot website to approve USDC and WETH for gameplay.

2. Creating a Game

  1. Click on 'Create Game' or type /create_game in the chat.

  2. Select the Betting Token. (USDC, WETH, DICE)

  3. Select betting amount

  4. Choose the maximum number of players.

  5. Select the maximum roll count.

  6. Wait for other players to join.

3. Joining a Game

  1. Click on 'Existing Games' or type /get_existing_games in the chat.

  2. Select a game to join.

  3. Wait for the game to start.

4. Rolling the Dice

  1. Click on the DICE emoji when it's your turn or type :dice and hit enter

  2. Watch as the dice roll and your score updates.

  3. Keep an eye on the leaderboard to see how you're doing.

5. Understanding Game Outcomes

  1. The game ends when all players have used up their rolls.

  2. The player with the highest total score wins.

  3. In case of a tie, only the tied players will continue to roll until a winner emerges.

6. Tweeting Your Victory

  1. If you win, you'll see a Twitter button to tweet about your victory.

  2. Click on it and a pre-filled tweet will appear.

  3. Feel free to customize the tweet and then hit 'Tweet' to share your victory!


That's it! You're now ready to play the DICE Bot Game on Telegram. May the odds be ever in your favor! 🎲

Last updated